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Lithops spp. - Living Stones

$799 USD $999 USD
2.5" Growers Pot

Lithops spp. 

There's no ands, if, or "butts" about it -- living stones are pretty intriguing lifeforms. A single body can be to 1.5" in diameter, and is split by a central "cleft", creating the "bilobed" body. Plant is nearly obscured by flower heads to 1" in diameter that are composed of frilly, satiny yellow or white petals. Also know as stone faces. 

  • Light:  Filtered Sunlight – This plant needs bright, filtered light with ample airflow so place in front of a window.
  • Water:  Not Thirsty – This plant can go several weeks without water so only water it when the soil completely dries out.  
  • Tip: This plant needs porous soil with adequate drainage.