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Titanopsis calcareum - Concrete Leaf Succulent (Mimicry Plant)

$799 USD $999 USD
2" Growers Pot

Titanopsis calcareum 

Titanopsis calcareum, or Concrete Leaf Succulent, is a unique succulent native to South Africa. The irregular rosettes have grey green, finger-like leaves with paddle-shaped tips covered in what resembles warts. People often refer to these as Mimicry Plants, because they are just SO difficult to spot in their native, rocky habitat. Yellow, daisy-like flowers appear in summer, for added interest.

  • Light:  Filtered Sunlight – This plant needs bright, filtered light with ample airflow so place in front of a window.
  • Water:  Not Thirsty – This plant can go several weeks without water so only water it when the soil completely dries out.  
  • Tip: This plant needs porous soil with adequate drainage.