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Calathea makoyana - Peacock Prayer Plant

$1499 USD
4" Growers Pot

Calathea makoyana

The Peacock Prayer Plant  is a unique tropical displaying oval, translucent, light green foliage with a dark green pattern. It looks like another plant is growing within the leaves! The leaf undersides are reddish maroon, adding even more color! Grows in an upright, clumping habit. The common name Prayer Plant refers to the leaves, which tend to fold in at night and open up in bright daylight. 

  • Light: Indirect Sunlight – This plant needs at least some natural light so place it somewhere with windows nearby.
  • Water: Very Thirsty - This plant is very thirsty and needs to be checked on 2-3 times per week and watered when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch. It is best to use distilled water because this plant is sensitive to salts and fluoride. 
  • Tips: This plant likes high humidity and hates drafts so keep them away from vent and drafty doors and windows.