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Maranta leuconeura var. erythroneura - Red Prayer Plant

$1399 USD
4" Growers Pot

Maranta leuconeura var. erythroneura 

The Red Prayer Plant shows off dark green leaves, purple markings, and rich red veins. It's a lovely houseplant that accepts most types of office lighting.  They get their name from the fact that their leaves fold up when it gets dark and return to a horizontal position when the light comes back.

  • Light: Indirect Sunlight – This plant needs at least some natural light so place it somewhere with windows nearby.
  • Water: Very Thirsty - This plant is very thirsty and needs to be checked on 2-3 times per week and watered when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Tips:  This plant likes humidity. and does not like soggy soil.