Mini Eos Euphorbia (Crown of Thorns)
$899 USD
$1099 USD
Euphorbia milii 'Mini Eos'
Crown of Thorns is recognized for its eye-catching blooms, which are not real flowers in the real sense, but spathaceous red bracts conveniently situated at the shoot tips. These conspicuous, saucer-shaped bracts surround the real flowers. The narrow, obovate, smooth-edged leaves that are spirally arranged on the stem naturally drop off as the plant gets older. This gives a scrawny appearance in older plants – an awesome vintage aesthetic for your living room or office.
- Light: Filtered Sunlight – This plant needs bright, filtered light with ample airflow so place in front of a window.
- Water: Not Thirsty – This plant can go several weeks without water so only water it when the soil completely dries out.
- Tip: This plant needs porous soil with adequate drainage.