Monstera deliciosa - Swiss Cheese Plant
$1599 USD
Monstera deliciosa
Also called the Swiss Cheese Plant, this plant features large, heart-shaped leaves with stunning cuts that form as the plant ages. These perforations help the plant withstand high winds in the wild. They are naturally a climbing plant so a moss post is recommended to give it some stability. The aerial roots the stems produce will grow into the post and anchor it eventually but the stem should be tied to the post in the meantime (not tightly).
- Light: Indirect Sunlight – This plant needs at least some natural light so place it somewhere with windows nearby.
- Water: Thirsty – This plant can only go 1 to 2 weeks without water so check weekly and water when the top two inches of soil dry out.
- Tips: Like many houseplants, it would rather be too dry than too wet so if you are unsure about whether it needs water, wait a day or two and check again.