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Golden Dwarf Japanese Yew

4" Growers Pot

Taxus cuspidata ‘Nana Aurescens’

New growth bursts on the scene like a splash of brilliant goldenrod. Since second-year foliage goes dark green, each year’s new growth makes another dramatic splash of color when it emerges. The shade tolerant, adaptable, colorful conifer has a wider-than-tall, spreading habit.

  • Garden Size:  2’H x 8’W
  • Dwarf:  3-6″/year
  • Habit:  Spreading
  • Hardiness:  Zone 4
  • Exposure:  Partial Shade

Many perennials and bonsai plants will have a ‘winter look’ that differs from how they look when actively growing.  Colder temperatures and short days alter the appearance of these plants as they go thru seasonal changes.  Some plants require this reboot to bloom and/or perform at their best during the growing season.  Plants may remain semi-dormant until early spring.  Rest assured that these cosmetic changes do not adversely affect the health of your plant.