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Summit Mosquito Bits for Control of Fungus Gnats in Plants, 8 oz.

$2499 USD
8 oz. Bag

Marshy swampy areas inundated with larvae? Sprinkle Mosquito Bits as a shock to quickly annihilate the larval population. When sprinkled into standing water where mosquitoes breed, biological Mosquito Bits® kills mosquitoes before they are old enough to bite! Mosquito Bits are now labeled to control Fungus Gnats in plant beds or pots! Utilizing a similar mode of action for control of mosquito larvae, the Bits, either sprinkled on the soils surface or mixed with potting soil prior to planting will kill fungus gnat larvae with the same safety and target specific control offered for mosquito larvae.

  • Easy to use – sprinkle or broadcast over standing water to kill mosquito larvae
  • Quick acting, starts killing mosquito larvae within minutes
  • Harmless to beneficial insects, pets, birds, fish, horses, livestock
    • 8 oz. treats up to 2000
    • 30 oz. treats up to 7,500
    • 20 lbs. treats up to 1.8 acres
  • Water your plants with a "tea" made from Mosquito Bits to kill fungus gnat larvae in the soil.